Compiled by GWC, Investigators

SMP No. 34, 206 | 60 pages, staple-bound | Original edition of 150

Featuring contributions from: Chris Oh, C. Smith, Joshua Pavlacky, Mary Kosut, Lorelei Ramirez, Gabi Villasenor & Adrienne Huckabone, and Mike Schreiber 

Last night the space station collapsed. Imploded. Sucked in on itself like an empty juice pack. We’ve run out of space. Space collapses, bodies collapse, I collapse, you collapse, the world — all worlds — collapse or are collapsing. Nine nights out of ten aren’t dark enough, or are too dark. The space station doesn’t blink in the sky anymore.

Here we convene to chart out a new pathway. A new route. A new set of waypoints between systems. Dead reckoning by starlight. There are portals in the dark between here and nowhere — portals that only open on that one night that is just the right amount of dark. You put on a mask before you step through. You never, ever, open your eyes. If you do, you can’t come home.

A page is not a piece of paper — a page is a pathway, a map, a homing beacon. A page lights the way, a lantern in the dark hanging suspended from the forehead of a bony, transparent apparition of teeth. A page is a guide, a doorway, an echo chamber. A page marks the way between two points. Multiple pages are an atlas.

We move worlds.

We build worlds.

We destroy worlds one at a time and in great mouthfuls.

Every time we dream a new world is created. We move through them, holding hands, helping each other find the way.

NEW WORLD UNLTD is produced and distributed by GWC, Investigators in cooperation with Social Malpractice Publishing. Edited by Daniel J Glendening and Michael Welsh, designed by Claire Mirocha. NWU is supported in part by the Calligram Foundation and Portland Institute for Contemporary Art’s Precipice Fund.
